26 June 2009

Letters from Iran?

I'm just another dutch guy, curious about revolutions, preferably of the non-violent type. For that to work, usually the system has to eventually give up, like in the Soviet Union and South Africa. Now the world is following developments in Iran on Twitter and various blogs.

I was wondering if there is a need for a simple blog where Iranians can just email their personal story, and remain anonymous. Not only hardened tech-savvy bloggers have important stories to tell, and setting up a blog can be a big hurdle if connections are bad.

So just email your stories. Please try to verify your facts, but do not reveal names, adresses, details that could cause anybody being hurt! So write the truth, but change the names.

Please only send good stories, no tweets, or spam, or I'll have to end up moderating this. Don't want that. Comments and tweets can serve as confirmation of these stories.

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